Visual IVR service suited for a vast diversity of Industries

No matter what industry you are in, if you have customers, then you have to have a support team for customer service. Keeping a team of support experts in a physical location is expensive and it also makes your business hard to scale.

At One Smart Star, we have created Star Phone Visual IVR for any industry to manage all the interactions with your customers with minimized costs and resources.

Visual IVR service solutions for various business directions

Star Phone can be used for various services, activities and information in the company. You can use our solution to let your customers service themselves, find information they are looking for, close some transactions, like checking account information, paying for subscription, cancelling or updating subscription, etc.

With Star Phone Visual IVR builder, it will take you only short time to create an application tailored to your business needs and processes.


Available in 77 countries

Star Phone services are available in 77 countries and in a number of languages. No matter where your potential user is, they can always access your branded app in their native language.


Higher response rate for customers

With Star Phone, your customers will be able to get answers to their questions and inquiries faster, without spending any time in the queue, with simple interactions with your branded Visual IVR application.

They simply need to dial your regular phone or OSSN number (a * and 4-digit, easy-to-remember number) that will land them on your landing page. They can navigate through the menu items defined by you in advance and get the information they were searching for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because everything is visual, your users will get a better understanding of services or products available and will make decisions faster.

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O que nossos clientes dizem sobre Star Phone!

Negócios privados

Lidar com um monte de clientes pode ser um muito desafiador como você tem que ter certeza de que você é capaz de responder a todas as suas solicitações. StarPhone é um ótimo aplicativo que ajuda o nosso negócio ficar em contato com os clientes…

Rebecca Stewart

Depois que eu comecei a usar o aplicativo Star Phone, juntamente com o número Smart Star, meus leads aumentaram dra…

Robert Gonzalez

Grande app! Até agora nunca falhou comigo. Grande ajuda para grandes empresas com usuários de todo o mundo.…

Simply Becky

Interface muito simples e muito fácil de configurar a sua solução Star Phone. Eu gostaria de saber so…

Noticias & Eventos
Categorias: From media
Aplicação Star Phone para aprimorar a experiência do cliente

Para uma empresa atingir seus objetivos, &eacut…

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Categorias: From media
Star Phone expande as possibilidades do Call Center

Call centers tornaram-se a parte essencial de m…

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Categorias: From media
One Smart Star-Unifica todos os seus canais de comunicação em um único lugar...facil facil

Números de telefone, e-mails, SMS, Faceb…

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Categorias: From media
5 vantagens do Star Phone sobre soluções de Resposta Interativa de Voz para clientes e empresas

Se você já lidou com o suporte ao…

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